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Final Draft - Artifact 2 - Secret Class.


Artifact 2 Reflection:

1.What were the main intellectual goals of the assignment? Please situate these goals in terms of the course theme and in terms of the communication strategies you were to learn or practice.

I believe the main intellectual goals of the assignment were to continue to work on shaping our personal essays by doing and writing about something that we truly love doing. This assignment works mostly on written communication, but also visual communication since we needed to document our secret class. I included a combination of photos, videos, and text to share my secret class with those who will be reading it.

2. What is your argument or purpose? How did you make the argument or purpose visible and persuasive in your artifact?

My purpose was to share the difficulties and joy of carving out time for something I love. I wanted to make it clear that even though I love taking my walks, it’s not always easy to do and that is why it was the perfect topic for my secret class. I spent the last part of my artifact reflecting on the challenge of continuing my secret class and how I plan to modify it to make it something I can continue each day. I tried to relate my own struggles to something that many struggle with: time management. I also used visual communication, sharing photos and videos of things that brought me joy to hopefully share the emotion with my audience members.

3. Who is the intended audience for your artifact; why is this an appropriate audience? How is your choice of audience reflected in your artifact?

Even though my writing was in a more “diary” style, I tried to write in a way that would make my stories clear to someone that didn’t know me well. I shared glimpses into the way I live, my happy childhood memories, and my favorite places in Oxford. I wanted to make walking, something simple that we do each day, sound fun (wasn’t too difficult to do because I love it).

4. What are the defining features of the genre or media that you are using in this project? How do you make use of these features?

I think my photographs, while not anything amazing, captured the places I stopped to enjoy something along my walk. They are glimpses into my thought process and show which subjects I find interesting. I place many throughout my writing as context and to break up the text.

5. If you had more time for revision, what would you change and why?

I would love to create some walking routes to share for others that want to go explore the area. Maybe even share a nice walking playlist for the blog. As I have stated before, I want this artifact to display the joy of walking and encourage others that are interested. I would also try to cut down more words and tighten up the writing. Since it was diary style, the sections were long and may drag on a bit too much.


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