Reflection - Artifact 3 - Photo Essay
What were the main intellectual goals of the assignment? Please situate these goals in terms of the course theme and in terms of the communication strategies you were to learn or practice.
This assignment required usage of written, visual, and oral communication. The actual photo essay itself mostly developed our written and visual communication skills through the use of photos and text. The presentation required oral communication skills and nonverbal communication with reading out loud and working on projecting our voices, posture, etc.
What is your argument or purpose? How did you make the argument or purpose visible and persuasive in your artifact?
The purpose of this piece was to dig into why routine was so important to me and to document how routine has shaped my life. I repeated similar versions of multiple images in grids as proof of routine and I wrote about my childhood to give context for why it brings me comfort. I placed the images between the text, so the readers saw proof of what I was writing about.
Who is the intended audience for your artifact; why is this an appropriate audience? How is your choice of audience reflected in your artifact?
The intended audience was my English class, but I also learned a lot about myself through writing this piece. I really had to think about the seemingly small life events that have shaped me. I gave enough context into my life, so that my audience could understand me better. I hope that by giving some background, the importance of routine in my life made more sense.
What are the defining features of the genre or media that you are using in this project? How do you make use of these features?
Using a lot of repetitive photos is one way of portraying routine through images. I used grids to make the repetitiveness more apparent than if the photos were just sprinkled throughout my essay.
If you had more time for revision, what would you change and why?
I would add more details to the paragraphs and give some more specific examples to add even more context. Maybe I would go out and take even more pictures. It would be cool to have a picture of something I pass by each day and show the way places change over time. In general I would just add some more because my piece felt shorter than some of my peers. I got peer feedback in advance for this piece and I think that helped a lot.