1. What were the main intellectual goals of the assignment? Please situate these goals in terms of the course theme and in terms of the communication strategies you were to learn or practice.
I believe the main intellectual goal was to push us to identify our challenges when it comes to communication, so we can use this class to work on them. The course, which focuses on travel and personal essays, requires us to be able to communicate our thoughts in multiple modes, so identifying where we will struggle is important. Once weaknesses are identified,it is possible to come up with strategies to decrease them.
2. What is your argument or purpose? How did you make the argument or purpose visible and persuasive in your artifact?
The purpose of my video was to share my struggles with oral communication and hold myself accountable for working on those skills. I showcased my lack of fears regarding performing in public as a child through old video clips. The clips of me speaking now contrasted as I was speaking softly and in a tranquil environment. I tried my best to showcase my efforts working towards my goal using an example and ended my video with my specific goal for this class and my time at Georgia Tech.
3.Who is the intended audience for your artifact; why is this an appropriate audience? How is your choice of audience reflected in your artifact?
The intended audience of my video were my peers, my teacher, and myself. I wanted to share my struggles to let my peers and teacher know where I could use some growth as this class requires lots of sharing of work and ideas. When it comes to myself, this artifact can act as documentation to hold myself responsible. I made sure that my artifact was made with speaking to people who don’t know me well in mind. It offers a snapshot into my childhood and portrays my personality today. Since I struggle with public speaking, sharing the video today was difficult for me.
4. What are the defining features of the genre or media that you are using in this project? How do you make use of these features?
I believe the defining features of the media I am using if this project is the additional video clips I chose to add in. They offer glimpses into my life prior to starting my studies at Georgia Tech. They allow the audience to get a better sense of me as a person and showcase a bit more of my personality when I am more comfortable with the people I am with.
5. If you had more time for revision, what would you change and why?
I wish I could have taken more tries filming the clips of me speaking outdoors because sometimes there were planes overhead or construction noises in the distance. I wish the audience could hear what I had to say more clearly and loudly. If I had more time, I definitely would have found a better time and place to film.